Your Chamber is hard at work to make you look good and to help you get found on the web! Are you ready to raise the bar and put your business in the spotlight?
Homepage Leaderboard Ad $33.33/month billed annually
- Runs at top of homepage
- Link to member listing
- Approx. 1200px wide by 150px tall
Cost: 12 Month Presence: $400 ($33.33 per month billed annually)
Please contact us to set up your chamber ad!

Sidebar Banner Ad $33.33/month billed annually
- Runs on home page and in the right sidebar on all pages that display a sidebar
- Link to member listing
- Approx. 300px wide by 250px tall (please supply 1200px wide image)
Cost: 12 Month Presence: $400 ($33.33 per month billed annually)
Please contact us to set up your chamber ad!

Inline Banner Ad $33.33/month billed annually
- Runs at bottom of all content pages except member directory
- Links to member listing
- Any width, maximum height 250px tall
Cost: 12 Month Presence: $400 ($33.33 per month billed annually)
Please contact us to set up your chamber ad!

Member Coupon/Event Promo Flyer Display $50 one time, or $33.33/month billed annually
- Runs on homepage in Member Promotions section
- Runs on Event Calendar sidebar
- Runs below browse and search results on all directory pages
- Links to member listing
- Any width, maximium height 800px tall
• Per month: $50 (timely presence to promote an event or sale)
• 12 Month Presence: $400 ($33.33 per month billed annually)
Please contact us to set up your chamber ad!

Looking for something else, or interested in a bundle? Just ask!